Personality in the Classroom

Main -> In the Classroom: Personality

Thrill Seeker or Chill Seeker...Take This Test to Find out WHY (courtesy of Ken Carter via STP Facebook 5/13/2014)

This is an online version of Zuckerman's Sensation Seeking Scale (Zuckerman, Eysenck, & Eysenck, 1978). The self-scoring scale results in a summary statement (e.g., "You're a thrill seeker and you love unusual experiences") and subscores for Boredom Susceptibility, Disinhibition, Experience Seeking, and Thrill & Adventure Seeking. Additionally, the results are combined with those of other test-takers to develop a heat map of sensation-seeker scores by geographical area. More resources on Sensation Seeking can be found on Ken Carter's site.


A Demonstration of Approach and Avoidance Conflicts.

This is a great demonstration that enables you to teach some personality constructs. The author states "...I describe a classroom demonstration of avoidance-avoidance conflicts. Students make a series of approach-approach and avoidance-avoidance choices. The avoidance choices take longer to make than the approach decisions. The students also rate the avoidance choices as less satisfactory, more difficult to make, and subject to change. Avoidance conflicts are relevant to contemporary ideas of loss aversion, decision making, and negative self-evaluation."


What's Going on in Your Professor's Head? Demonstrating the Id, Ego, and Superego (ToP, 2009, Vol 1)


International Personality Item Pool (IPIP)  Click on "Index of IPIP scales" for a list of all of the scales in their database (over 200),


Personality Pedagogy



Quiz: How nice are you (Scientific American, 2012)

     "Do nice guys finish first—or last? The answer depends on what it means to win. Nice people tend to have stronger relationships, enjoy better health, and deliver superior performance at school and on the job. But despite receiving excellent reviews at work, an extremely amiable person is less likely to become top boss—or earn top dollar—than is a more hostile individual. (For more discussion of the ups and downs of being nice, see "When Nice Guys Finish      First".) Psychologists define nice people as those scoring high on a personality trait called agreeableness, which typically goes along with generosity,consideration for others, a pleasant disposition and a desire for social harmony. Take the quiz below to learn how you rate on this character trait."







IPIP Scales"Index of IPIP Scales"